Core Participants

There are a number of ways in which people can assist with and take part in the Inquiry. Anyone can submit evidence to the Inquiry in the form of a written statement and/or by providing documents. Someone who has done this or who has otherwise been identified as having potentially useful information may be asked by the Inquiry to give oral evidence at a hearing. Anyone will be able to watch the live streaming of hearings or to attend in person, if that is practical. Anyone will be able to view transcripts of the evidence led at hearings, as well as witness statements and other relevant documents. These are available on the Inquiry Documents page.

Those persons, whether individuals, groups, or other bodies, who have particularly relevant contributions to make and who wish to engage more closely with the Inquiry may apply to the Chair to be designated as a “core participant”. The decision whether to designate a person as a core participant is a matter for the discretion of the Chair, and further details are set out in the Inquiry’s Protocol for Applications for Core Participant Status which can be found here. The point at which to designate a person a core participant is also a matter for the Chair, as is the point at which that designation should end.

This page will be kept up to date with information about the persons who have been designated as core participants.

Organisations appointed as core participants

  • Currie & Brown UK Limited
  • Greater Glasgow Health Board
  • IBI Group (UK) Limited
  • IHS Lothian Limited
  • Lothian Health Board
  • Mott MacDonald Limited
  • Multiplex Construction Europe Limited
  • NHS National Services Scotland
  • Scottish Futures Trust
  • The Scottish Ministers
  • TÜV SÜD Limited

Individuals appointed as core participants

  • Lee Abercrombie
  • Billy Allison
  • Lynda Allison
  • Beth Armstrong
  • Sandie Armstrong
  • Sharon Barclay
  • Carol-Anne Baxter
  • Mark Bisset
  • Kelly Bitman
  • Raymond Bitman
  • Moira Black
  • Suzanne Brown
  • Linzi Burrows
  • David Campbell
  • Darren Crighton
  • Billy Crossan
  • Rachel Noon Crossan
  • John Cuddihy
  • Molly Cuddihy
  • Louise Cunningham
  • Kimberly Darroch
  • Sharon Ferguson
  • Salihah Hammad
  • Zaynah Hammad
  • Christine Horne
  • Derek Horne
  • Graham Irvine
  • Annemarie Kirkpatrick
  • Steven Kirkpatrick
  • Stevie Jo Kirkpatrick
  • Charmaine Lacock
  • Mhairi Mackay
  • Kevin Maclennan
  • Mark McAllister
  • Sharon McAllister
  • Ian McArthur
  • Kenneth Murdoch
  • Christine Peters
  • Samantha Pickering
  • Alfie Rawson
  • Penelope Redding
  • Louise Slorance
  • Matthew Smith
  • Theresa Smith
  • Aneeka Sohrab
  • Andrew Stirrat
  • Karen Stirrat
  • Nicola Thompson
  • Jackie Webster
  • Mekayla Wiese
  • Hayley Winter
  • Leanne Young