Inquiry Documents

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Written Opening Submission - Parents and representatives of the children affected by their treatment at QEUH - 20.9.2021

Written Opening Submission on behalf of Parents and representatives of the children affected by t

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Opening submission

Written Opening Submission - NHS Lothian - 20.09.2021

Written opening submission from NHS Lothian.

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Opening submission

Hearing Commencing 20 September 2021 - Bundle 2 - Material Illustrating Layout of Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow

Material Illustrating Layout of Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Childr

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Bundle of evidence

Written Opening Submission - Molly & John Cuddihy - 20.09.2021

Opening statement to the Inquiry on behalf of Molly and Professor John Cuddihy.

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Opening submission

Witness Statement - Cameron Gough - 20 September 2021

Written statement of Mr. Cameron Gough.


Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Witness statement

Hearing programme - 20 to 24 September 2021

Week 1 hearing programme 

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Hearing timetable

Written Opening Submission - NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - 20.09.2021

Opening statement by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Opening submission

Restriction Order 3 - Witnesses 4 and 5

Restriction Order 3 restricts the publication of material that identifies the witnesses designate

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Restriction Order

Restriction Order 2 - Witnesses 1, 2 and 3

Restriction Order 2 restricts the publication of material that identifies the witnesses designate

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Restriction Order

Statement of Intent - Redactions

The Statement of Intent: Redaction of Personal Data accompanies the Protocol on Public Access to

Type Inquiry Procedures
Category Protocol

Public Access to Information and Evidence

This protocol sets out the Inquiry’s general approach to allowing access to evidence and informat

Type Inquiry Procedures
Category Protocol

Witness Expenses Protocol

The Protocol on Witness Expenses deals with the following:

Type Inquiry Procedures
Category Protocol