Inquiry Document

Bundle 11 – Provisional Position Papers

This bundle contains provision position papers listed below:

  • Provisional Position Paper 6 – The Commission and Validation Process Utilised for the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department for Clinical Neurosciences.
  • Provisional Position Paper 7 – Non-ventilation issues with the potential to adversely impact on patient safety and care at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department for Clinical Neurosciences.
  • Provisional Position Paper 7 – Supplementary – Note on issues with the ventilation system outside of critical care areas with the potential to adversely impact on patient safety and care at the RHCYP & DCN; and remedial works undertaken.
  • Provisional Position Paper 8 – Narrative concerning the construction phase for the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and the Department for Clinical Neurosciences.
  • Provisional Position Paper 9 – The Governance Structure within the project to construct the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and the Department for Clinical Neurosciences.
  • Provisional Position Paper 10 – The contractual and funding structure relating to the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and the Department for Clinical Neurosciences.
Type Hearing commencing 26 February 2024
Date 22nd February 2024
Category Bundle of evidence
Hospital RHCYP/DCN - Edinburgh
Subject Hearing Commencing 26 February 2024

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