Inquiry Document

Bundle 13 - Miscellaneous - Volume 7

This bundle includes:

  • Scottish Executive health department letter
  • Meeting minutes
  • Correspondence between staff
  • NHS Lothian SBARs
  • Residual risks data
  • Operating theatre key issues
  • Review of redesigned ventilation systems
  • Scottish health technical memorandum
  • Key stage assurance review workbook
  • Witness statements
  • Ventilation amendment proposal
  • Mott MacDonald closing submission
  • Room data sheets
  • NHS Lothian RHCYP and DCN review
  • Environmental matrix
Type Hearing commencing 26 February 2024
Date 22nd February 2024
Category Bundle of evidence
Hospital RHCYP/DCN - Edinburgh
Subject Hearing Commencing 26 February 2024

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