Inquiry Document

Bundle 13 - Miscellaneous - Volume 8

This bundle includes:

  • Frameworks for infection prevention and control practitioners
  • Infection prevention and control standards
  • Briefing documents
  • Report on microbiological commissioning and monitoring of operating theatre suites
  • Lessons learned and recommendations report
  • Risk assessments
  • SBARs
  • Air change rates
  • Bird dropping guidance
  • Scottish health technical memorandum
  • Isolation rooms report
  • NICE tuberculosis guidelines
  • Certificates of analysis
  • Reviews and responses regarding healthcare associated infection risks and outbreaks associated with healthcare water systems
  • Summary of incidents and findings of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Water reports
  • Examining food, water and environmental samples from healthcare environments
  • Responding to the detection of legionella in healthcare premises
  • Guidelines for environmental infection control, preventing opportunistic infections and for drinking-water quality
  • Health building note
  • Issues relating to location of heater batteries
  • Agreement between Imtech and Hoare Lea
  • Environmental matrix
  • Ventilation amendment proposal
  • Ward room thermal comfort analysis
  • General risk assessment
Type Hearing commencing 26 February 2024
Date 22nd February 2024
Category Bundle of evidence
Hospital RHCYP/DCN - Edinburgh
Subject Hearing Commencing 26 February 2024

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