Inquiry Documents

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Witness statement - Thomas Rodger - 14.03.2024

Witness statement of Thomas Rodger.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Witness statement

Witness statement - Julie Critchley - 14.03.2024

Witness statement of Julie Critchley.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Witness statement

Witness statement - Alan Morrison (Scottish Government) - 13.03.2024

Witness statement of Alan Morrison.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Witness statement

Witness statement - Alan Morrison (NHS Assure) - 13.03.2024

Witness statement of Alan Morrison.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Witness statement

Transcript - Alan Morrison - 13.03.2024

Transcript of evidence from Alan Morrison.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Transcript

Transcript - Stephen Maddocks - 13.03.2024

Transcript of evidence from Stephen Maddocks.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Transcript

Transcript - Jeane Freeman - 12.03.2024

Transcript of Jeane Freeman's testimony to the Inquiry.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Transcript

Witness statement - Jeane Freeman - Supplementary - 12.03.2024

Supplementary statement for Jeane Freeman.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Witness statement

Witness statement - Jeane Freeman - 12.03.2024


Witness statement of Jeane Freeman.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Witness statement

Hearing Programme - 11 to 15 March 2024

Programme for week commencing 11 March 2024

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Timetable

Transcript - Tim Davison - 08.03.2024

Transcript of evidence from Timothy Davison to the Inquiry.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Transcript

Transcript - Tracey Gillies - 08.03.2024

Transcript of evidence to the Inquiry from Tracey Gillies.

Type 2024 - 26 February to 15 March - Edinburgh III Hearing
Category Transcript