Inquiry Documents

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Bundle 3 – Governance (1 of 3)

Governance and background of project,  including outline business case for new Royal Ho

Type Hearing commencing 09 May 2022
Category Bundle of evidence

Bundle 2 - Health Technical Memoranda

Health Technical Memoranda - concept, design and specification of healthcare ventilation sys

Type Hearing commencing 09 May 2022
Category Bundle of evidence

Bundle 1 - Scottish Health Technical Memoranda

Documents relating to Scottish Health Technical Memoranda - guidance on ventilation

Type Hearing commencing 09 May 2022
Category Bundle of evidence

Hearing Programme - 09 to 20 May 2022

Programme for Hearing commencing 09 May 2022

Type Hearing commencing 09 May 2022
Category Hearing timetable

Transcript - Procedural Hearing - 22 February 2022

Transcript from Procedural Hearing of 22 February 2022

Type Hearing commencing 09 May 2022
Category Hearing transcript

List of issues for the diet of hearings commencing 9 May 2022

This list is intended to provide general guidance in relation to the issu

Type Hearing commencing 09 May 2022
Category List of Issues

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from NHS Lothian for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from NHS Lothian for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.10 2021

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Closing submission

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from Scottish Ministers for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from Scottish Ministers for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Closing submission

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from IBI UK Limited for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from IBI UK Limited for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Closing submission

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from IHS Lothian for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from IHS Lothian for Hearing Diet 20.08 to 05.11 2021

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Closing submission

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from Currie & Brown for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from  Currie & Brown for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 20

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Closing submission

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from Molly and John Cuddihy for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Closing Statement to the Inquiry from Molly and John Cuddihy for Hearing Diet 20.09 to 05.11 2021

Type Hearing commencing 20 September 2021
Category Closing submission