Inquiry Documents
Witness Statement - Karen Connelly - 30.08.2024
Witness statement of Karen Connelly, NHS GGC, retired.
Hearing Programme - 02 to 06 September 2024
Programme for Week 19 of the hearing (02 to 06 September 2024)
Witness Statement - Susan Dodd - ARHAI - 29.08.2024
Witness statement 2 of 2 for Susan Dodd, Nurse Consultant, Infection Prevention and Control, Anti
Witness Statement - Susan Dodd - NHS GGC - 29.08.2024
Witness statement 1 of 2 for Susan Dodd, Nurse consultant, Infection Prevention and Control, Anti
Witness Statement - Thomas Romeo - 28.08.2024
Witness statement of Thomas Romeo, Electrical Supervisor and Estates Manager, NHS GGC.
Witness Statement - Darryl Conner - 28.08.2024
Witness statement of Darryl Conner, NHS Assure.
Transcript - Ian Powrie - 22.08.2024
Transcript of Ian Powrie's oral evidence to the Inquiry.
Transcript - Alan Gallacher - 23.08.2024
Transcript of Alan Gallacher's oral evidence to the Inquiry on 23 August 2024
Witness Statement - Dennis Kelly - 27.08.24
Witness Statement of Dennis Kelly.
Witness Statement - Tom Makin - 27.08.24
Witness Statement of Dr Tom Makin.
Witness Statement - Ian Powrie - 22.08.24
Witness Statement of Ian Powrie, NHS GGC.
Witness Statement - Alan Gallacher - 23.08.2024
Witness Statement of Alan Gallacher, Head of Corporate Estates, NHS GGC