
Closing hearing date for Edinburgh hospital announced

Date 13th June 2024

The closing oral hearing for the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Edinburgh, will begin on 17 June 2024. 

This will conclude the investigation into the Edinburgh hospital. Over the course of three hearings, the Inquiry examined several issues related to the design and safety of the building. 

The Chair heard from experts and individuals who were in key decision-making roles during the process. Their testimony covered the development of the ventilation system, and the way NHS Lothian communicated technical requirements to prospective tenderers.

For further information regarding the past hearings, see the following articles regarding the February 2024April 2023 and May 2022 hearings. 

The Inquiry will be hearing from core participants, who will address issues raised in their closing submissions

The running order of the closing hearing is available here: Hearings | Hospitals Inquiry. It is the Chair’s intention to publish an interim report covering the Edinburgh hospital later this year.

The public hearing will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel, subject to a two-minute delay.