
Decision issued following Procedural Hearing of 30 July 2024

Date 1st August 2024

A procedural hearing held on 30 July 2024 considered the motion by NHS GGC that the report, “Expert Report for the Scottish Hospitals Inquiry on the evidence of risk of infection from the water and ventilation systems at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow”, be formally received by the Inquiry and oral evidence heard by its authors.

Submissions to Lord Brodie were made by Counsel to the Inquiry, Mr Fred Mackintosh KC, and from legal representatives of NHS GGC; Drs Inkster, Peters and Redding; the Cuddihy and Mackay families; NHS NSS and the Patients and Families group.

In issuing his decision and reasons today, Lord Brodie said, “For inter-related reasons of principle and practicality, I have decided to refuse Mr Gray’s motion and therefore the Inquiry will not consider the GGC Report as part of the evidence to be led at Glasgow III and will not call the authors of the GGC Report as witnesses.” 

Click to read the full copy of the decision and reasons